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Robert Lilley21 Dec 2024 - 22:15

Catholic United FC founding member, Channing Foy, passes away, aged 96.........

I think it is fair to say that without Glen & Channing Foy's long lasting influence, Catholic United would not be the club it is today......
- Paul Marsh - CUFC President

It is with sad news that our founding member, Channing Foy, has passed away peacefully, aged 96. Our love and prayers to the family and friends of Channing, during this difficult time.

Club President, Paul Marsh, wrote an article about Channing, and brother Glen, for a feature in our matchday programme. Here's the feature in full.....

Chan was a founder member and an inspirational character when the club was formed in 1959. A more devout Catholic I have yet to meet. I know Chan will have been traumatised when his beloved Nazareth House was recently demolished. Chan managed the Sunday 2nd Team for over 20-years playing firstly at Nazareth House and then later at Belfairs, where Leigh Ramblers play.

Glen his elder brother was also an inspirational leader, and our longest serving chairman of 25 years. He also managed the Sunday 1st Team over a similar time period, playing firstly at Nazareth House and later at Victory Sports Ground. Both brothers encouraged by Jim Clark, (this has all been well documented,) were
instrumental to our close connection and our wearing of the Celtic F.C kit. There probably have not been two more dynamic CUFC characters in our history. Without their strong personalities and Glen’s vision, perhaps our Club we enjoy and use today, would not be in existence.

Together with Hugh Broad they were and are Catholic United Football Club.

This does not dilute, or take away the importance of the contribution of those who came after. However those concerned later had a club in its infancy that needed to be grown, mature, and become established. A fine job done by all those who came after, to which the three protagonists, would be thankful that so many have contributed in building, and fulfilling their vision and dreams.

On a personal note, I cannot thank Chan, and Glen enough, who both supported, and encouraged me all those years ago when I first started playing

It is important to put into context and understand that Glen was a highly regarded member of the Southend Borough Football Combination Committee, Chaired by none
other than Len Forge. Len was later awarded a CBE for his services to Football. Our Saturday First team now play at the stadium that grace’s Len Forge’s name. Meanwhile Glen was a very active member and had great influence on that committee as he knew every rule that needed to be known. Trust me Glen was a mind full of information regarding football matters. This was especially helpful in not having points deducted for playing an illegible player. He would have made a great Trade Unionist or Barrister!
Brendan Foy who has played, managed and served on the Committee for CUFC has
written a few words for the programme about his father Glen, and his Uncle Chan. I cannot
thank him enough for taking the time, and sharing about his dad experiences, including
those of the Second World War which had been kept secret from us all.

Probably Glen’s proudest achievement, was when as manager of the Sunday 1st team we
became the first Sunday club in the history of the the Southend Borough to win a Sunday
Essex County Trophy. Something we should never forget.

Both born in the USA Glen the eldest of four children and Channing the third son and third
of the four, were brought to the UK by their parents, when Glen was 10 years of age.

They eventually settled in a large family home in Toledo Road, Southend on Sea. From there Glen attended the college that was located at Victoria Circus. He acquired a Saturday job in the Butchers that was located in York Road market prior to being called up into the American Army Air Corp. On the 8th June 1944 he was one of several hundred troops to be landed on Omaha Beach as a replacement for those killed and wounded in the D Day landing on the the 6th.

Not long after landing it was discovered that Glen and two others were to be recalled back
to the English Midlands. It was not until two years later, after seeing some harrowing sights
in Europe, that he discovered that all of the troops that landed with him on that fateful day
had been killed. It was a sign of the man that he never discussed this, or anything else he
experienced during W. W. II, with anyone despite suffering night terrors for many years.
On his return from service he returned to butchering in York Road and joined Channing
who had also started working there. Not only did the brothers work together but they
played for the local amateur football club “The College”, Glen as a quick and nimble winger and Channing as a very solid no nonsense central defender.

In the early 1950’s the two decided they needed to take a step forward and along with
a butchering friend They opened their own butchers shop in Station Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. The legendry Foy & Lamberts Butchers came into being.

In 1958/59 Channing along with friends Stan Groom, Jim Batley, Dave Bunce, and Hugh Broad met and made the decision to form a new football club and Catholic United commenced its ongoing journey. After their first season Channing convinced his
older, and far more admin oriented, brother, Glen, to become involved in this new club.

Glen did, and within a few years took on the dual roles of Chairman and Sunday
Secretary. Under his stewardship over the next 25 years the club from having one Saturday
and one Sunday teams to having four Saturday and three Sunday teams and a thriving, if
automatous, Minor Section.

With the brothers influence in running the club, Glen managing the Sunday Firsts and Channing the Sunday seconds and in the days before Club Houses, the butchers shop in Station Road quickly became the Saturday “Call in place” to get any club information and to meet up with others who were there for the same reasons.
The brothers influence within the club was not restricted to the Sunday teams as between
them they were responsible for many, who went on to be legends of the club, first joining
the likes of John Pye, the Gloyne brothers, Bob Moon, current President Paul Marsh to name just a few.

I think it is fair to say that without their long lasting influence, which only concluded when
Glen retired with his wife Lilian to Co. Clare in Ireland, Catholic United would not be the club it is today. Sadly Glen passed away on 19th May 2014 at the age of 88. Channing continued to live in Southend, and loved to hear all of the news about the club and remained an avid supporter.

Good friend of the club, Scotland based, Canon Brian Gowans, has expressed he will remember Chan in his masses tomorrow. The club are extremely grateful and appreciate this very much.

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Brendan J Foy
Brendan J Foy
25 Dec 2024
Many thanks for this posting Paul & Rob.